Space: Above and Beyond Wiki
Space: Above and Beyond Wiki


Sewell Fuel, as it is called by AeroTech Industries, is an organic ore that formed 10 billion years ago on the moon Kazbek.[1]

Refined correctly, which can only be done in the unique Chig factory run by the Silicates on Kazbek[2], it becomes a living, complex system fuel perpetuating itself, creating more energy than it expends. Most importantly the fuel's exhaust is clean and the thermal temperature is negligible.[3]

Use by Chig Forces[]

The Chigs recently developed the process to use the ore to create the fuel, developing the Stealth fighter flown by Chiggy von Richthofen against Earth Forces. The clean burning fuel, combined with stealth technology, made the craft invisible to infrared and LIDAR sensors.

Use by Earth Forces[]

Upon obtaining a sample of the ore from Kazbek, AeroTech did not have enough time to synthesize the fuel and develop a jet engine that would run on it for Earth Forces, as by the time they did the Chigs would have moved from a prototype stealth fighter to making it their standard fighter craft. AeroTech engineers were able to quickly develop a missile that used the ore as a complex perpetuating explosive warhead, although they could only build one missile in the short amount of time available.


It is assumed, this fuel will change the scope of this war because of its advantages. As Howard Sewell pointed out, one day the course of the war will not be decided by conquering territory, but by obtaining Sewell fuel.

